
Water-wise Landscaping Tips for Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs is a beautiful city, but it is also a semi-arid climate, which means that water is a precious resource. Water-wise landscaping is a way to create a beautiful and functional landscape while using less water.

Here are some tips for water-wise landscaping in Colorado Springs:

1. Choose the Right Plants

When choosing plants for your landscape, it is important to select plants that are native to Colorado or that are well-adapted to the climate. Native plants have evolved to survive in Colorado’s dry conditions and require less water than non-native plants.

Some good water-wise plants for Colorado Springs include:

Trees: Colorado blue spruce, Rocky Mountain juniper, ponderosa pine, Douglas fir
Shrubs: Lilac, rose, iris, daylily, peony, black-eyed Susan, columbine, Rocky Mountain penstemon, beardtongue
Grasses: Blue grama grass, buffalograss, fine fescues
Flowers: Blanketflower, coreopsis, gaillardia, penstemon, yarrow

2. Group Plants Together by Water Needs

When planting your landscape, group plants together based on their water needs. This will make it easier to water each group of plants appropriately. For example, you can group together plants that require more water in one area and plants that require less water in another area.

3. Use Water-efficient Irrigation Systems

A water-efficient irrigation system will help you to water your landscape more efficiently and use less water. There are a variety of water-efficient irrigation systems available, including drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and soaker hoses.

4. Water Deeply and Less Often

It is better to water your landscape deeply and less often than to water it lightly and more often. Deep watering encourages plant roots to grow deeper, which makes them more drought-tolerant.

5. Mulch Your Landscape

Mulch is a layer of material that is placed on top of the soil around plants. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil and reduce evaporation. Some good mulching materials include wood chips, bark chips, and straw.

6. Avoid Overwatering

One of the most common mistakes that homeowners make is overwatering their lawns and landscapes. Overwatering can lead to a number of problems, including root rot, fungus diseases, and nutrient leaching.

7. Check Your Sprinkler System Regularly

It is important to check your sprinkler system regularly to make sure that it is working properly and that there are no leaks. Leaks can waste a lot of water.

8. Harvest Rainwater

Rainwater harvesting is a great way to collect rainwater and use it to water your landscape. There are a variety of rainwater harvesting systems available, including rain barrels and cisterns.

9. Plant a Rain Garden

A rain garden is a special type of garden that is designed to collect and filter rainwater runoff. Rain gardens can help to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution, and they can also provide a habitat for wildlife.

10. Conserve Water Indoors

Conserving water indoors will also help to reduce your overall water usage. There are a number of ways to conserve water indoors, such as taking shorter showers, fixing leaky faucets, and installing water-efficient appliances.

Here are some additional tips for water-wise landscaping in Colorado Springs:

  • Consider replacing your lawn with a more water-efficient alternative. There are a number of water-efficient alternatives to lawns, such as native grasses, wildflower meadows, and ground covers.
  • Use hardscaping, such as rocks and patios, to reduce the amount of lawn and planting beds in your landscape.
  • Choose plants that are tolerant of shade. Shade-tolerant plants require less water than sun-loving plants.
  • Plant in the fall or spring. Planting in the fall or spring gives plants a chance to establish themselves before the hot summer months.
  • Fertilize your landscape regularly. Fertilized plants are more drought-tolerant than unfertilized plants.

By following these tips, you can create a beautiful and water-wise landscape in Colorado Springs that will save you money on your water bill and help to conserve this precious resource.